Honor Club Organization
The 4-H Honor Club is statewide and was instituted to further 4-H Club work throughout the counties of Tennessee. Its chief purposes are to provide recognition primarily within the county to junior high 4-H Club members who have shown consistent leadership ability, and have been helpful members in their clubs and their communities and to encourage young people to continue their work in 4-H and their service to others.
- Members must be a junior high or senior 4-H member as of date of initiation.
- Members must be enrolled in 4-H junior or teen leadership and serving as a junior or teen leader.
- Adult volunteer leaders or advisors to the Honor Club are eligible for recognition upon approval by local Extension agents. Extension agents may submit the name of a volunteer leader to the state 4-H office annually.
- Membership is open to any qualified junior high or senior member.
- Member must complete a Tennessee 4-H Honor Club application form.
- A score of 200 points is required before application for membership can be considered.
- Recommendations for membership shall be approved by the county Extension agents, then forwarded to the state 4-H office for final approval prior to the recognition ceremony at which time the Honor Club certificates are presented.
- Honor Club pins may be purchased from the state 4-H office. Pins should not be ordered until member is approved for membership.