Club information
4-H Clubs meeting monthly and during club meetings members can participate in learning activities, enter contests and learn skills for their future.

The 4-H Honor Club is statewide and was instituted to further 4-H Club work throughout the counties of Tennessee. Its chief purposes are to provide recognition primarily within the county to junior high 4-H Club members who have shown consistent leadership ability, and have been helpful members in their clubs and their communities and to encourage young people to continue their work in 4-H and their service to others.
Honor Club meets 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Lawrence County Extension office located at 2385 Buffalo Rd, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464.

Wildlife Club
Most people care about wildlife to some degree and want to make sure wildlife and the habitat they require are healthy and productive. Others want to manage their property to attract more wildlife for hunting or viewing and enjoyment.
Many people simply want to be good stewards of their property and know they are doing what they can to ensure a healthy environment, which includes caring for plant and animal communities.
However, it is also important to have a plan for dealing with problems associated with wildlife, such as home and property damage.
The UT Extension wildlife program strives to make information on these topics and more available for everyone.
Wildlife Club meets 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Lawrence County Extension office located at 2385 Buffalo Rd, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
Livestock Club

We look to inform youth and adults who are interested in knowing more about livestock animals, mainly cattle, sheep, goats, and swine.
We help prepare them for showing and judging livestock.
Livestock Club meets 4th Tuesday of each month at the Lawrence County Extension office located at 2385 Buffalo Rd, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464.
Poultry Club

The 4-H Animal Science Program offers Tennessee youth valuable educational opportunities through raising, exhibiting, and judging livestock and horses. 4-H Animal Science participants are challenged with real-life issues as they learn responsibility through raising, showing, and judging.
Poultry Club meets 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Lawrence County Extension office located at 2385 Buffalo Rd, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464.
Horse Club

The 4-H Horse program is part of the Animal Science project. The program will allow you to develop horsemanship skills. You will also learn skills through educational activities such as horse judging, horse bowls, hippology, speech, and demonstration contests. You don’t have to own a horse to be involved.
Horse Club meets 1st Monday of each month at the Lawrence County Extension office located at 2385 Buffalo Rd, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464.