To Learn
Ever wonder if the things you read are true? FCE provides research-based information through the University of Tennessee Extension. Experience learning with friends as you share what you know at hands-on workshops and meetings. The following topics are some examples:
- Human Development
- Nutrition and Food Safety
- Money Management and Family Economics
- Health and Safety
Find something you care about, then live your life to show it.
To Lead
Leadership development is the focus of FCE. Through shared opportunities, you can learn skills helpful in bringing growth to your community, church, local government, and family
Yes, leadership skills can be learned. FCE offers learning opportunities as officers, program leaders, and service stewards. Together we build better lives for individuals, families and communities. An example of leadership service is our long history of teaching 4-H youth.
To Grow & Share
Each year FCE provides the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of families in your community. With a nationwide network, each club can find a way to serve its community.
The focus of our national program includes improving literacy for children and adults, practicing environmental stewardship, promoting healthy lifestyles and role-modeling ethical values.
If you are interested in becoming an FCE club member or would like more information please contact the Lawrence County Extension Office at (931) 762-5506. Lawrence County FCE membership is $10.00.
Tennessee Association for Family and Community Education Brochure