TNCEP – Tennessee Nutrition & Consumer Education Program

The Tennessee Nutrition and Consumer Education Program (TNCEP) is a nutrition education program for Tennessee families who receive SNAP or who are eligible for SNAP.

The goal of TNCEP is to teach families how to choose and prepare nutritionally adequate diets and help them feel empowered to move toward self-sufficiency.   Education is delivered by county Extension faculty and partners in the community who work with the SNAP audience. The characteristic of TNCEP that makes it different from other nutrition education programs is that it is coalition-driven. A community coalition of individuals from various agencies determine what types of education are delivered. Funding for TNCEP is provided by the USDA and the Tennessee Department of Human Services.

Hannah Goins Profile Page
Hannah Goins
Ext Program Assistant II, Lawrence County

Day Care & Pre School

Color Me Healthy Using color, music and exploration of the senses to teach that healthy eating and activities are fun in twelve lesson series.

Grow It Try It Like It Through the activities in Grow It, Try It, Like It!, children touch, smell, feel, and taste new fruits and vegetables. Children also learn how fruits and vegetables grow. Planting activities help children connect the delicious food choices at the table with the farm, orchard, or garden.

In School

Teen Cuisine Teaching teens nutrition, food prep and cooking along with food safety and exercise in six lessons.

Serving Up My Plate This yummy curriculum introduces the importance of eating from all five food groups using the MyPlate icon and a variety of hands–on activities. Students also learn the importance of physical activity to staying healthy.

Discover My Plate Inquiry based nutrition learning for youth encourages healthy eating and active lifestyles in five lesson series.

Senior Center

Eat Smart Move More This basic curriculum is designed to teach skills in healthy eating, food preparation, food resource management, and physical activity among participants. It consists of eight core lessons and two optional lessons that average 45-60 minutes each.​​​